102 исключения множественного числа в английском: Latin plural endings
латинское множественное окончание
Об исключениях в образовании множественного числа существительных задумываются редко. И это неудивительно, чаще всего исключения касаются заимствований из латинского и древнегреческого. Сейчас большая часть из них используется в академических текстах или официальных документах и обсуждениях. В таких случаях, если и возникли затруднения, то можно легко проверить себя по словарю, но что если вы готовитесь к экзамену или олимпиаде по английскому? Нужен более и менее исчерпывающий список таких исключений, чтобы сразу их все заучить. Такой список перед вами! В таблице ниже вы найдете не только форму единственного и множественного числа, но и примеры к ним с переводом, а также можете прослушать, как произносится каждое слово или пример.
Навигация по таблице:
Singular | Plural | Definition | Examples |
UM ➡ A | |||
addendum |
addenda |
formal an additional section at the end of a book or document | He had MacKenzie’s report, an addendum to Soviet Naval Command’s. |
agendum |
agenda |
plural a list of items to be discussed at a meeting – в ед.ч. практически не используется | We have a very full agenda of issues to discuss. |
aquarium |
aquaria |
a glass tank filled with water, in which people keep fish | In the aquarium the fish swam over my head. When visiting an aquarium, one can expect to get up close and personal with marine life. |
atrium |
atria |
a central hall in a modern building, typically rising through several stories and having a glazed roof | The full-height glass atrium allows light to flood into the home. The atria were linked to a central court in the garden. Because of the overriding, the walls of the caval vein are attached directly to both atriums, thus producing an interatrial communication. Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. // Из-за переопределения стенки полой вены прикрепляются непосредственно к обоим предсердиям, создавая таким образом межпредсердное сообщение |
bacterium |
bacteria |
the simplest and smallest forms of life, often a cause of disease | There are many different strains of this bacterium. Raw meat and poultry may contain harmful bacteria. |
candelabrum |
candelabra |
a holder for several candles or lamps | The table complete with an ornate silver candelabrum was set beyond the columns, so that it seemed to be outdoors, yet in. Candles in iron candelabra shed some light. |
corrigendum |
corrigenda |
an error to be corrected | The 1980-84 cumulation contains corrigenda which are not included in the annual volumes. The certified text has attached to it a list of minor textual corrigenda. |
curriculum |
curricula |
all the different courses of study that are taught in a school, college, or university | Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the school curriculum. The inclusion of a wide range of skills in conservatorium curricula would enable music graduates to expand the scope of their performance and non-performance roles. |
datum |
data |
a single piece of information | The fact is a datum worth taking into account. There is very little data available. |
dictum |
dicta |
a formal pronouncement from an authoritative source a short statement that expresses a general truth or principle |
The dicta of High Court Judges the old dictum ‘might is right’. |
erratum |
errata |
singular an error in printing or writing // pl. a list of corrected errors appended to a book or published in a subsequent issue of a journal | In tiny letters at the foot of the page were the words ‘erratum: page 49’. Though errata and associated correspondence may be published, they may be difficult to locate unless one is a constant reader of the same journal. |
stratum |
strata |
formal a group of people in it who are similar in their education, income, or social status | It was an enormous task that affected every stratum of society. The rebels came overwhelmingly from the poorest strata of rural society. |
medium |
media |
a means by which something is communicated or expressed | The internet is the modern medium of communication. The news media reported extensively on the story. |
gymnasium |
gymnasia |
a classical school preparatory to the universities | Archaeologists say that helmets of this type were ceremonial and used in hippika gymnasia, or cavalry tournaments, rather than battle. |
maximum |
maxima |
the greatest or highest amount possible | Production levels are near their maximum. An investigation has been undertaken to test the contribution of surfactant precipitation/redissolution on the occurrence of these adsorption maxima. |
memorandum |
memoranda |
a written message in business or diplomacy | He told them of his decision in a memorandum. See memoranda for Counsel |
millennium |
millennia |
formal a period of one thousand years, especially one which begins and ends with a year ending in ‘000’, for example the period from the year 1000 to the year 2000 | Silver first came into use on a substantial scale during the 3rd millennium bc. Over many millennia, the river has created a massive arch in the twisting rock. |
minimum |
minima |
the least or smallest amount or quantity possible | They checked visas with the minimum of fuss. There are several methods for finding the minima of a parabola or any function in any dimension. |
moratorium |
moratoria |
a temporary prohibition of an activity | He announced a moratorium on the building of new power stations. Recently however, two stocks (redfish and cod) were reopened to fishing after a decade long moratoria. |
podium |
podia |
an footlike organ or structure | Tumor budding and podia formation were both appreciably present in the xenografts. |
referendum |
referenda |
a general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision | The proposals were put to a referendum. If there are referenda, should collective responsibility operate or be suspended on the subject of the referendum? |
spectrum |
spectra |
a range of a particular type of thing | She’d seen his moods range across the emotional spectrum. Other antibiotics with broad antibacterial spectra are cephalothin, carbenicillin, amoxicillin, cefamandol, tobramycin, and vancomycin. |
symposium |
symposia |
a conference in which experts or academics discuss a particular subject | He had been taking part in an international symposium on population. As well as selling shows there are auctions at all the major houses, exhibitions, lectures and symposia. |
US ➡ I | |||
alumnus |
alumni |
a graduate or former student of a particular school, college, or university | an MSU alumnus // выпускник МГУ The school’s global alumni network helps students to build relationships with alumni advisers at top firms. Глобальная сеть выпускников школы помогает студентам выстраивать отношения с консультантами выпускников в ведущих фирмах. |
bacillus |
bacilli |
a disease-causing bacterium | The bacillus was thought to have proliferated in water polluted by sewage. tubercle bacilli |
cactus |
cacti |
a thick fleshy plant that grows in many hot, dry parts of the world. Cacti have no leaves and many of them are covered in prickles. | Instead of dense woodlands there was dry thorny scrub, cacti and open bare dusty areas. |
focus |
foci |
the centre of interest or activity | This generation has made the environment a focus of attention. Initial computer tomography scan of the brain showed findings of distant metastatic foci. |
fungus |
fungi |
any of a group of spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter, including moulds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools | Truffles are fungi. Elms react to the fungus by sealing off infected areas. |
genius |
genii |
(in some mythologies) a spirit associated with a particular person, place, or institution | All was useless, the treasure disappeared, and had again reverted to the genii from whom for a moment he had hoped to carry it off. |
hippopotamus |
hippopotami |
a large thick-skinned semiaquatic African mammal, with massive jaws and large tusks | Suddenly, a lantern flared and a hippopotamus loomed up in front of them. Thus, baldness was treated with the fat of potent predators, such as lions, crocodiles, and hippopotami. |
locus |
loci |
a particular position or place where something occurs or is situated | It is impossible to specify the exact locus in the brain of these neural events. In this report, we describe a combination of congenic mapping and ˈaliːl allele-specific alteration analysis of the loci on chromosome 7. |
radius |
radii |
a straight line from the centre to the circumference of a circle or sphere | There are plenty of local pubs within a two-mile radius. Measurements discussed include unidirectional and bidirectional dimensions, radii ˈreɪdɪʌɪ of cylinders, fit point deviations of the fitted shapes and cylindricity. |
narcissus |
narcissi |
a plant that appear in the spring and has yellow or white flowers with cone-shaped centres | Rain was kaˈskeɪd cascading from the gutter on to the flower bed, flattening the daffodils and narcissi. |
stimulus |
stimuli |
a thing that arouses activity or energy in someone or something; a spur or incentive | areas of the brain which respond to auditory stimuli The approval of others is a potent stimulus. |
syllabus |
syllabi |
the subjects in a course of study or teaching | There isn’t time to cover the syllabus. Syllabi also provide an opportunity to understand course requirements for data literacy. |
terminus |
termini |
mainly British the end of a railway or other transport route, or a station at such a point; a terminal | I must try making the same experiment at the railway terminus in Sydney. In fact, redundant fortifications near the town centre made useful land for new railway termini. |
ON ➡ A | |||
automaton |
automata |
a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being | Like an automaton, she walked to the door. a collection of 19th century French automata: acrobats, clowns, and musicians. |
phenomenon |
phenomena |
a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen | The band was a pop phenomenon just for their sales figures alone. Glaciers are interesting natural phenomena. |
ON ➡ AE | |||
formula |
formulas |
a mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols | The formula for the capacitance of a spherical capacitor. She couldn’t identify the glue formulae, which were too similar to isolate any single box company. |
alga |
algae |
a simple, non-flowering, and typically aquatic plant of a large group that includes the seaweeds and many single-celled forms | It is a partnership between an alga and a fungus. He took the pole which had a net on the end of it and started to skim the algae off the surface of the water. |
antenna |
antennae |
The antennae of something such as an insect or crustacean are the two long, thin parts attached to its head that it uses to feel things with | Bugs use their antennae to detect blood heat. |
larva |
larvae |
an insect at the stage of its life after it has developed from an egg and before it changes into its adult form | …a dragonfly larva The eggs quickly hatch into larvae. |
nebula |
nebulae |
a cloud of dust and gas in space. New stars are produced from nebulae | The Great Nebula He told me about nebulae, towering clouds of luminous gas which float through space like vast jellyfish. |
vertebra |
vertebrae |
each of the series of small bones forming the | She crushed a vertebra in a fall at Chepstow. The needle is inserted between two of the vertebrae. |
EX ➡ XES, CES | |||
apex |
apexes |
the top or highest part of something, especially one forming a point | The living room extends right up into the apex of the roof. The apex of his career was when he hoisted aloft the World Cup. |
index |
indexes |
a sign or measure of something | stock-market indices house price indexes The oral hygiene index was calculated as the sum of the debris and calculus indices. |
vortex |
vortices Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. |
a whirling mass of fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind | They were caught up in a whirling vortex of emotion. This decision propelled her into a vortex from which there seemed no escape. The polar vortex is a system of wintertime winds. |
IES ➡ IES | |||
series |
series |
a number of events, objects, or people of a similar or related kind coming one after another | He gave a series of lectures on modern art. The current series is incredibly popular with younger viewers. |
species |
species |
a class of plants or animals whose members have the same main characteristics and are able to breed with each other. | Pandas are an endangered species. There are several thousand species of trees here. |
IS ➡ ES | |||
analysis |
analyses |
detailed examination of the elements or structure of something | They carried out an in-depth analysis of the results. Of course, all three analyses cannot be equally valid. |
axis |
axes |
an imaginary line about which a body rotates | The Earth revolves on its axis once every 24 hours. A temporary thaw is actually good news, melting and refreezing the snow to make it more amenable to ice axes. |
basis |
bases |
the underlying support or foundation for an idea, argument, or process | Trust is the only basis for a good working relationship. Circles of dead leaves and gray mulch surrounded the bases of the giant oak trees. |
crisis |
crises |
a time of intense difficulty or danger | With competition from cheap imports, the British coal industry is facing a serious crisis. Over the years they had been through a lot of crises together, and she loved him dearly. |
diagnosis |
diagnoses |
the identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms | Without the results of the blood test, the doctor could only make a tentative diagnosis. They then compared these predictions with the actual number of diagnoses recorded during this period. |
ellipsis |
ellipses |
the omission from speech or writing of a word or words that are superfluous or able to be understood from contextual clues | It is very rare for an ellipsis to occur without a linguistic antecedent. Here, ellipses and dashes create and allow space for an acknowledgement of what is inherent. |
hypothesis |
hypotheses |
a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation | It is possible to make a hypothesis on the basis of this graph. A number of hypotheses have been put forward. |
oasis |
oases |
a fertile spot in a desert, where water is found; a pleasant or peaceful area or period in the midst of a difficult or hectic place or situation | a country of oases and burning desert sands. The park is an oasis of calm in the centre of the city. |
paralysis |
paralyses |
the loss of the ability to move (and sometimes to feel anything) in part or most of the body, typically as a result of illness, poison, or injury | Political paralyses. The snake’s venom induces instant paralysis. |
parenthesis |
parentheses |
sing. a word or phrase inserted as an explanation or afterthought into a passage which is grammatically complete without it, in writing usually marked off by brackets, dashes, or commas; pl. a pair of round brackets ( ) used to mark off a parenthetical word or phrase | In a challenging parenthesis, Wordsworth comments on the evil effects of contemporary developments. In parenthesis I should say that I am passing quickly over the significance of these matters. |
synopsis |
synopses |
a brief summary or general survey of something | A synopsis of the insurance cover provided is set out below. Most of these life synopses follow a straightforward template, with the first paragraph spelling out the bare facts. |
synthesis |
syntheses |
the combination of components or elements to form a connected whole | the synthesis of intellect and emotion in his work Although these companies may be willing to attempt some of the more difficult syntheses, this is not their major focus. |
thesis |
theses |
statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved | His central thesis is that psychological life is not part of the material world. Theses became books, published by university presses and bought by their libraries. |
O ➡ OS | |||
cockatoo |
cockatoos |
a parrot with an erectile crest, found in Australia, eastern Indonesia, and neighbouring islands | Cockatoos are monogamous and nest in tree hollows. |
kangaroo |
kangaroos |
a large plant-eating marsupial with a long powerful tail and strongly developed hindlimbs that enable it to travel by leaping, found only in Australia and New Guinea | Kangaroos can jump immense distances. |
zoo |
zoos |
an establishment which maintains a collection of wild animals, typically in a park or gardens, for study, conservation, or display to the public | People have recently taken a negative view of safari parks and zoos, but I think they have a tremendously important role to play. |
armadillo |
armadillos |
an American animal with a hard shell made of pieces of bone | Other animals at home there include the giant armadillo, giant anteater, giant otter and jaguar. |
avocado |
avocados |
a salad of avocados and oranges. serve with slices of avocado. |
banjo |
banjos |
a musical instrument that looks like a guitar with a circular body, a long neck, and four or more strings | By 10 he was playing the guitar and the banjo and had written his first song. |
bistro |
bistros |
a small, relatively simple restaurant, especially one offering French or French-style food | The bistro offers a more relaxed setting for dining. |
calypso |
calypsos |
a calypso song | A man was playing a calypso on a double bass. |
cargo |
cargoes (North American English also cargos) |
goods carried on a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle | a cargo of oil. The ship stopped to take on a cargo of fruit. |
casino |
casinos |
a public room or building where gambling games are played | All gaming in the casino was suspended. Vast areas of land behind the casinos and hotels are vacant lots where once family and holiday houses abounded. |
contralto |
contraltos |
a woman with a low singing voice | The score calls for a contralto. |
dynamo |
dynamos |
a device that uses the movement of a machine or vehicle to produce electricity; informal an extremely energetic person | She was a dynamo in London politics. In a dynamo, the mechanical energy of rotation is converted into electrical energy in the form of a current in the armature. |
ego |
egos |
a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance | He had a massive ego; never would he admit he was wrong. These two are beginning not only to think like each other but like each other’s alter egos. |
folio |
folios |
a book made with paper of a large size, used especially in the early centuries of European printing | He went to the office and returned with a large folio which he set on the table. He opened his briefcase and brought out two folios of glossy photographs. |
hippo |
hippos |
hippopotamus | Not a big problem usually – but we soon noticed we were surrounded by grumpy hippos. |
radio |
radios |
There were calls for cab radios to link train drivers and signal boxes. All the rooms have a satellite television and digital radio. |
ratio |
ratios |
In 1978 there were 884 students at a lecturer/student ratio of 1:15. A stronger economy would reduce some of the political pressures on governments by easing fiscal pressures and improving debt ratios. |
pistachio |
pistachios |
small, green, edible nuts | Stir in the ground almonds and chopped pistachios. |
portfolio |
portfolios |
a large, thin, flat case for loose sheets of paper such as drawings or maps | Under his arm he carried a large portfolio of drawings. |
studio |
studios |
a room where an artist, photographer, sculptor, etc. works | The Department of Music has a professional recording studio. The broadcasts will be transmitted from the Middlesbrough studios. |
weirdo |
weirdos |
a person whose dress or behaviour seems strange or eccentric | The streets are dangerous and there are too many weirdos around. |
rhino |
rhinos |
a rhinoceros | The safari thrill of seeing an elephant or rhino unexpectedly lumber into view is also missing. Thankfully, no lions or rhinos came quite that close. |
flamingo |
flamingos (or flamingoes) |
a bird with pink feathers, long thin legs, a long neck, and a curved beak | Before turning inland we passed pink flamingos stalking the salty shallows. |
O ➡ OS, OES | |||
lasso |
lassos or lassoes |
a long rope with a loop at one end, used especially by cowboys for catching cattle | He rides with cowboys and tries rounding up cattle with a lasso. |
tornado |
tornados |
a violent wind storm consisting of a tall column of air which spins round very fast and causes a lot of damage | The building was badly damaged in a tornado. More storms and tornados are expected this weekend. Freak weather, including hurricanes and tornados, becomes more common. |
grotto |
grottoes |
a small picturesque cave, especially an artificial one in a park or garden | An elegant swan wandered around the grotto flapping its wings at the mosquitos. |
innuendo |
innuendoes |
an allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one | She’s always making sly innuendoes. a constant torrent of innuendo, gossip, lies, and half-truths. |
mango |
mangoes |
a fleshy, oval, yellowish-red tropical fruit | Peel the mango and slice it into the blender. Avoid too many sweet fruits; mango, pineapple and melon are full of sugar. |
volcano: volcanoes or volcanos |
volcanoes (or volcanos) |
a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapour, and gas are or have been erupted from the earth’s crust | It is one of the world’s most active volcanoes, and one of its most accessible. |
stiletto |
stilettos (or stilettoes) |
a woman’s shoe with a thin, high tapering heel | The rapid click of stilettos on pavement. |
O ➡ OES | |||
dingo |
dingoes |
a wild or half-domesticated dog with a sandy-coloured coat, found in Australia | |
embargo |
embargoes |
an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country | an embargo on grain sales |
hero Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. // герой |
heroes |
a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities: | a war hero “To us,” Pet once said, “they were heroes, young gods.” |
motto |
mottoes |
Music a phrase which recurs throughout a musical work and has some symbolical significance | They were developing the use of leitmotifs or mottoes that appear throughout an opera. |
potato |
potatoes |
Potatoes are quite round vegetables with brown or red skins and white insides. They grow under the ground. | roast potatoes |
veto |
vetoes |
a constitutional right to reject a decision or proposal made by a lawmaking body | The Opposition effectively have a veto on constitutional reform. |
torpedo |
torpedoes |
a bomb that is shaped like a tube and that travels under water | The latter practice may have raised morale, but drastically shortened the torpedoes’ range. |
domino |
dominoes |
Dominoes are small rectangular blocks marked with two groups of spots on one side | Everyone will fall over like a row of dominoes. |
echo |
echoes |
a sound or sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface back to the listener | The walls threw back the echoes of his footsteps. He listened and heard nothing but the echoes of his own voice in the cave. |
UM ➡ A
addendum // приложение
Definition: formal an additional section at the end of a book or document
Examples: He had MacKenzie’s report, an addendum to Soviet Naval Command’s.
agendum // повестка дня
Plural: agenda
Definition: plural a list of items to be discussed at a meeting – в ед.ч. практически не используется
Examples: We have a very full agenda of issues to discuss.
aquarium // аквариум
Plural: aquaria
Definition: a glass tank filled with water, in which people keep fish
Examples: In the aquarium the fish swam over my head.
When visiting an aquarium, one can expect to get up close and personal with marine life.
atrium // Атриум
Plural: atria
Definition: a central hall in a modern building, typically rising through several stories and having a glazed roof
Examples: The full-height glass atrium allows light to flood into the home.
The atria were linked to a central court in the garden.
Because of the overriding, the walls of the caval vein are attached directly to both atriums, thus producing an interatrial communication.
bacterium // бактерия
Plural: bacteria
Definition: the simplest and smallest forms of life, often a cause of disease
Examples: There are many different strains of this bacterium.
Raw meat and poultry may contain harmful bacteria.
candelabrum // канделябр
Plural: candelabra
Definition: a holder for several candles or lamps
Examples: The table complete with an ornate silver candelabrum was set beyond the columns, so that it seemed to be outdoors, yet in.
Candles in iron candelabra shed some light.
corrigendum // исправление
Plural: corrigenda
Definition: an error to be corrected
Examples: The 1980-84 cumulation contains corrigenda which are not included in the annual volumes.
The certified text has attached to it a list of minor textual corrigenda.
curriculum // учебный план
Plural: curricula
Definition: all the different courses of study that are taught in a school, college, or university
Examples: Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the school curriculum.
The inclusion of a wide range of skills in conservatorium curricula would enable music graduates to expand the scope of their performance and non-performance roles.
datum // факт
Plural: data
Definition: a single piece of information
Examples: The fact is a datum worth taking into account.
There is very little data available.
dictum // изречение
Plural: dicta
Definition: a formal pronouncement from an authoritative source a short statement that expresses a general truth or principle
Examples: The dicta of High Court Judges
the old dictum ‘might is right’
erratum // опечатка
Plural: errata
Definition: sing. an error in printing or writing // pl. a list of corrected errors appended to a book or published in a subsequent issue of a journal.
Examples: In tiny letters at the foot of the page were the words ‘erratum: page 49’.
Though errata and associated correspondence may be published, they may be difficult to locate unless one is a constant reader of the same journal.
stratum // слой
Plural: strata
Definition: formal a group of people in it who are similar in their education, income, or social status
Examples: It was an enormous task that affected every stratum of society.
The rebels came overwhelmingly from the poorest strata of rural society.
medium // средний
Plural: media
Definition: a means by which something is communicated or expressed
Examples: The internet is the modern medium of communication.
The news media reported extensively on the story.
gymnasium // гимназия
Plural: gymnasia
Definition: a classical school preparatory to the universities
Examples: Archaeologists say that helmets of this type were ceremonial and used in hippika gymnasia, or cavalry tournaments, rather than battle.
maximum // максимальный
Plural: maxima
Definition: the greatest or highest amount possible
Examples: Production levels are near their maximum.
An investigation has been undertaken to test the contribution of surfactant precipitation/redissolution on the occurrence of these adsorption maxima.
memorandum // меморандум
Plural: memoranda
Definition: a written message in business or diplomacy
Examples: He told them of his decision in a memorandum.
See memoranda for Counsel
millennium // тысячелетие
Plural: millennia
Definition: formal a period of one thousand years, especially one which begins and ends with a year ending in ‘000’, for example the period from the year 1000 to the year 2000
Examples: Silver first came into use on a substantial scale during the 3rd millennium bc.
Over many millennia, the river has created a massive arch in the twisting rock.
minimum // минимум
Plural: minima
Definition: the least or smallest amount or quantity possible
Examples: They checked visas with the minimum of fuss.
There are several methods for finding the minima of a parabola or any function in any dimension.
moratorium // мораторий
Plural: moratoria
Definition: a temporary prohibition of an activity
Examples: He announced a moratorium on the building of new power stations.
Recently however, two stocks (redfish and cod) were reopened to fishing after a decade long moratoria.
podium // подиум
Plural: podia
Definition: the terminal part of a vertebrate limb
Examples: Tumor budding and podia formation were both appreciably present in the xenografts.
referendum // референдум
Plural: referenda
Definition: a general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision
Examples: The proposals were put to a referendum.
If there are referenda, should collective responsibility operate or be suspended on the subject of the referendum?
spectrum // спектр
Plural: spectra
Definition: a range of a particular type of thing
Examples: She’d seen his moods range across the emotional spectrum.
Other antibiotics with broad antibacterial spectra are cephalothin, carbenicillin, amoxicillin, cefamandol, tobramycin, and vancomycin.
Plural: symposia
Definition: a conference in which experts or academics discuss a particular subject
Examples: He had been taking part in an international symposium on population.
As well as selling shows there are auctions at all the major houses, exhibitions, lectures and symposia.
US ➡ I
alumnus // выпускник
Plural: alumni
Definition: a graduate or former student of a particular school, college, or university
Examples: an MSU alumnus // выпускник МГУ
The school’s global alumni network helps students to build relationships with alumni advisers at top firms.
Глобальная сеть выпускников школы помогает студентам выстраивать отношения с консультантами выпускников в ведущих фирмах.
bacillus // бацилла
Plural: bacilli
Definition: a disease-causing bacterium
Examples: The bacillus was thought to have proliferated in water polluted by sewage.
tubercle bacilli
cactus // кактус
Plural: cacti
Definition: a thick fleshy plant that grows in many hot, dry parts of the world. Cacti have no leaves and many of them are covered in prickles.
Examples: Instead of dense woodlands there was dry thorny scrub, cacti and open bare dusty areas.
focus // фокус, центр
Plural: foci
Definition: the centre of interest or activity
Examples: This generation has made the environment a focus of attention.
Initial computer tomography scan of the brain showed findings of distant metastatic foci.
fungus // грибок
Plural: fungi
Definition: any of a group of spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter, including moulds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools
Examples: Truffles are fungi.
Elms react to the fungus by sealing off infected areas.
genius // джин
Plural: genii
Definition: (in some mythologies) a spirit associated with a particular person, place, or institution.
Examples: All was useless, the treasure disappeared, and had again reverted to the genii from whom for a moment he had hoped to carry it off.
Все было напрасно; исчезнувшее сокровище снова стало достоянием духов земли, у которых он одно мгновение надеялся похитить его.
hippopotamus // гиппопотам
Plural: hippopotami
Definition: a large thick-skinned semiaquatic African mammal, with massive jaws and large tusks.
Examples: Suddenly, a lantern flared and a hippopotamus loomed up in front of them.
Thus, baldness was treated with the fat of potent predators, such as lions, crocodiles, and hippopotami.
locus // расположение
Plural: loci
Definition: a particular position or place where something occurs or is situated
Examples: It is impossible to specify the exact locus in the brain of these neural events.
In this report, we describe a combination of congenic mapping and ˈaliːl allele-specific alteration analysis of the loci on chromosome 7.
radius // радиус
Plural: radii
Definition: a straight line from the centre to the circumference of a circle or sphere.
Examples: There are plenty of local pubs within a two-mile radius.
Measurements discussed include unidirectional and bidirectional dimensions, radii ˈreɪdɪʌɪ of cylinders, fit point deviations of the fitted shapes and cylindricity.
narcissus // нарцисс
Plural: narcissi
Definition: a plant that appear in the spring and has yellow or white flowers with cone-shaped centres
Examples: Rain was kaˈskeɪd cascading from the gutter on to the flower bed, flattening the daffodils and narcissi.
stimulus // стимул
Plural: stimuli
Definition: a thing that arouses activity or energy in someone or something; a spur or incentive
Examples: areas of the brain which respond to auditory stimuli
The approval of others is a potent stimulus.
syllabus // учебный план
Plural: syllabi
Definition: the subjects in a course of study or teaching
Examples: There isn’t time to cover the syllabus.
Syllabi also provide an opportunity to understand course requirements for data literacy.
terminus // конечная станция
Plural: termini
Definition: mainly British the end of a railway or other transport route, or a station at such a point; a terminal
Examples: I must try making the same experiment at the railway terminus in Sydney.
In fact, redundant fortifications near the town centre made useful land for new railway termini.
ON ➡ A
automaton // автомат
Plural: automata
Definition: a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being
Examples: Like an automaton, she walked to the door.
a collection of 19th century French automata: acrobats, clowns, and musicians.
phenomenon // феномен
Plural: phenomena
Definition: a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen
Examples: The band was a pop phenomenon just for their sales figures alone.
Glaciers are interesting natural phenomena.
formula // формула
Plural: formulas
Definition: a mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols
Examples: The formula for the capacitance of a spherical capacitor.
She couldn’t identify the glue formulae, which were too similar to isolate any single box company.
alga // водоросль
Plural: algae
Definition: a simple, non-flowering, and typically aquatic plant of a large group that includes the seaweeds and many single-celled forms
Examples: It is a partnership between an alga and a fungus.
He took the pole which had a net on the end of it and started to skim the algae off the surface of the water.
antenna // антенна
Plural: antennae
Definition: a simple, non-flowering, and typically aquatic plant of a large group that includes the seaweeds and many single-celled forms
Examples: Bugs use their antennae to detect blood heat.
BUT Antennas around the top of the ship pick up the radar signals.
larva // личинка
Plural: larvae
Definition: an insect at the stage of its life after it has developed from an egg and before it changes into its adult form.
Examples: …a dragonfly larva
The eggs quickly hatch into larvae.
nebula // туманность
Plural: nebulae
Definition: a cloud of dust and gas in space. New stars are produced from nebulae
Examples: ..the Great Nebula.
He told me about nebulae, towering clouds of luminous gas which float through space like vast jellyfish.
vertebra // позвонок
Plural: vertebrae
Definition: each of the series of small bones forming the backbone
Examples: She crushed a vertebra in a fall at Chepstow.
The needle is inserted between two of the vertebrae.
apex (usually singular) // верхушка
Plural: apexes
Definition: the top or highest part of something, especially one forming a point
Examples: The living room extends right up into the apex of the roof.
The apex of his career was when he hoisted aloft the World Cup.
index // индекс
Plural: indexes
Definition: a sign or measure of something
Examples: stock-market indices.
house price indexes.
The oral hygiene index was calculated as the sum of the debris and calculus indices.
vortex // вихревой
Plural: vortices
Definition: a whirling mass of fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind
Examples: They were caught up in a whirling vortex of emotion.
This decision propelled her into a vortex from which there seemed no escape.
The polar vortex is a system of wintertime winds.
series // серии
Plural: series
Definition: a number of events, objects, or people of a similar or related kind coming one after another
Examples: He gave a series of lectures on modern art.
The current series is incredibly popular with younger viewers.
species // вид
Plural: species
Definition: a class of plants or animals whose members have the same main characteristics and are able to breed with each other.
Examples: Pandas are an endangered species.
There are several thousand species of trees here.
analysis // анализ
Plural: analyses
Definition: detailed examination of the elements or structure of something
Examples: They carried out an in-depth analysis of the results.
Of course, all three analyses cannot be equally valid.
axis // ось
Plural: axes
Definition: an imaginary line about which a body rotates
Examples: The Earth revolves on its axis once every 24 hours.
A temporary thaw is actually good news, melting and refreezing the snow to make it more amenable to ice axes.
basis // основа
Plural: bases
Definition: the underlying support or foundation for an idea, argument, or process
Examples: Trust is the only basis for a good working relationship.
Circles of dead leaves and gray mulch surrounded the bases of the giant oak trees.
crisis // кризис
Plural: crises
Definition: a time of intense difficulty or danger
Examples: With competition from cheap imports, the British coal industry is facing a serious crisis.
Over the years they had been through a lot of crises together, and she loved him dearly.
diagnosis // диагноз
Plural: diagnoses
Definition: the identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms
Examples: Without the results of the blood test, the doctor could only make a tentative diagnosis.
They then compared these predictions with the actual number of diagnoses recorded during this period.
ellipsis // эллипсис (опущение)
Plural: ellipses
Definition: the omission from speech or writing of a word or words that are superfluous or able to be understood from contextual clues
Examples: It is very rare for an ellipsis to occur without a linguistic antecedent.
Here, ellipses and dashes create and allow space for an acknowledgement of what is inherent.
hypothesis // гипотеза
Plural: hypotheses
Definition: a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation
Examples: It is possible to make a hypothesis on the basis of this graph.
A number of hypotheses have been put forward.
oasis // оазис
Plural: oases
Definition: a fertile spot in a desert, where water is found; a pleasant or peaceful area or period in the midst of a difficult or hectic place or situation
Examples: a country of oases and burning desert sands.
The park is an oasis of calm in the centre of the city.
paralysis // паралич
Plural: paralyses
Definition: the loss of the ability to move (and sometimes to feel anything) in part or most of the body, typically as a result of illness, poison, or injury
Examples: Political paralyses.
The snake’s venom induces instant paralysis.
parenthesis // вводная конструкция (ед.ч), круглые скобки (мн.ч.)
Plural: parentheses
Definition: sing. a word or phrase inserted as an explanation or afterthought into a passage which is grammatically complete without it, in writing usually marked off by brackets, dashes, or commas; pl. a pair of round brackets ( ) used to mark off a parenthetical word or phrase
Examples: In a challenging parenthesis, Wordsworth comments on the evil effects of contemporary developments.
In parenthesis I should say that I am passing quickly over the significance of these matters.
synopsis // краткое содержание
Plural: synopses
Definition: a brief summary or general survey of something
Examples: A synopsis of the insurance cover provided is set out below.
Most of these life synopses follow a straightforward template, with the first paragraph spelling out the bare facts.
synthesis // синтез
Plural: syntheses
Definition: the combination of components or elements to form a connected whole
Examples: the synthesis of intellect and emotion in his work.
Although these companies may be willing to attempt some of the more difficult syntheses, this is not their major focus.
thesis // Ддиссертация
Plural: theses
Definition: statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved
Examples: His central thesis is that psychological life is not part of the material world.
Theses became books, published by university presses and bought by their libraries.
O ➡ OS
cockatoo // какаду
Plural: cockatoos
Definition: a parrot with an erectile crest, found in Australia, eastern Indonesia, and neighbouring islands
Examples: Cockatoos are monogamous and nest in tree hollows.
kangaroo // кенгуру
Plural: kangaroos
Definition: a large plant-eating marsupial with a long powerful tail and strongly developed hindlimbs that enable it to travel by leaping, found only in Australia and New Guinea
Examples: Kangaroos can jump immense distances.
zoo // зоопарк
Plural: zoos
Definition: an establishment which maintains a collection of wild animals, typically in a park or gardens, for study, conservation, or display to the public
Examples: People have recently taken a negative view of safari parks and zoos, but I think they have a tremendously important role to play.
armadillo // броненосец
Plural: armadillos
Definition: an American animal with a hard shell made of pieces of bone
Examples: Other animals at home there include the giant armadillo, giant anteater, giant otter and jaguar.
avocado // авокадо
Plural: avocados
Examples: a salad of avocados and oranges.
serve with slices of avocado.
banjo // банджо
Plural: banjos
Definition: a musical instrument that looks like a guitar with a circular body, a long neck, and four or more strings
Examples: By 10 he was playing the guitar and the banjo and had written his first song.
bistro // бистро
Plural: bistros
Definition: a small, relatively simple restaurant, especially one offering French or French-style food
Examples: The bistro offers a more relaxed setting for dining.
calypso // калипсо
Plural: calypsos
Definition: a calypso song
Examples: A man was playing a calypso on a double bass.
cargo // груз
Plural: cargoes (North American English also cargos)
Definition: goods carried on a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle
Examples: a cargo of oil.
The ship stopped to take on a cargo of fruit.
casino // казино
Plural: casinos
Definition: a public room or building where gambling games are played
Examples: All gaming in the casino was suspended.
Vast areas of land behind the casinos and hotels are vacant lots where once family and holiday houses abounded.
contralto // контральто
Plural: contraltos
Definition: a woman with a low singing voice
Examples: The score calls for a contralto.
dynamo // динамо
Plural: dynamos
Definition: a device that uses the movement of a machine or vehicle to produce electricity; informal an extremely energetic person
Examples: She was a dynamo in London politics.
In a dynamo, the mechanical energy of rotation is converted into electrical energy in the form of a current in the armature.
ego // эго
Plural: egos
Definition: a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance
Examples: He had a massive ego; never would he admit he was wrong.
These two are beginning not only to think like each other but like each other’s alter egos.
folio // фолио
Plural: folios
Definition: a book made with paper of a large size, used especially in the early centuries of European printing
Examples: He went to the office and returned with a large folio which he set on the table.
He opened his briefcase and brought out two folios of glossy photographs.
hippo // бегемот
Plural: hippos
Definition: hippopotamus
Examples: Not a big problem usually – but we soon noticed we were surrounded by grumpy hippos.
radio // радио
Plural: radios
Examples: There were calls for cab radios to link train drivers and signal boxes.
All the rooms have a satellite television and digital radio.
ratio // соотношение
Plural: ratios
Examples: In 1978 there were 884 students at a lecturer/student ratio of 1:15.
A stronger economy would reduce some of the political pressures on governments by easing fiscal pressures and improving debt ratios.
pistachio // фисташка
Plural: pistachios
Definition: small, green, edible nuts
Examples: Stir in the ground almonds and chopped pistachios.
portfolio // портфолио
Plural: portfolios
Definition: a large, thin, flat case for loose sheets of paper such as drawings or maps
Examples: Under his arm he carried a large portfolio of drawings.
studio // студия
Plural: studios
Definition: a room where an artist, photographer, sculptor, etc. works
Examples: The Department of Music has a professional recording studio.
The broadcasts will be transmitted from the Middlesbrough studios.
weirdo // чудак
Plural: weirdos
Definition: a person whose dress or behaviour seems strange or eccentric
Examples: The streets are dangerous and there are too many weirdos around.
rhino // носорог
Plural: rhinos
Definition: a rhinoceros
Examples: The safari thrill of seeing an elephant or rhino unexpectedly lumber into view is also missing.
Thankfully, no lions or rhinos came quite that close.
flamingo // фламинго
Plural: flamingos (or flamingoes)
Definition: a bird with pink feathers, long thin legs, a long neck, and a curved beak
Examples: Before turning inland we passed pink flamingos stalking the salty shallows.
lasso ( // лассо
Plural: lassos or lassoes
Definition: a long rope with a loop at one end, used especially by cowboys for catching cattle
Examples: He rides with cowboys and tries rounding up cattle with a lasso.
tornado // торнадо
Plural: tornados
Definition: a violent wind storm consisting of a tall column of air which spins round very fast and causes a lot of damage
Examples: The building was badly damaged in a tornado.
More storms and tornados are expected this weekend.
Freak weather, including hurricanes and tornados, becomes more common.
grotto // грот
Plural: grottoes
Definition: a small picturesque cave, especially an artificial one in a park or garden
Examples: An elegant swan wandered around the grotto flapping its wings at the mosquitos.
innuendo // инсинуация
Plural: innuendoes
Definition: an allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one
Examples: She’s always making sly innuendoes.
a constant torrent of innuendo, gossip, lies, and half-truths.
mango // манго
Plural: mangoes
Definition: a fleshy, oval, yellowish-red tropical fruit
Examples: Peel the mango and slice it into the blender.
Avoid too many sweet fruits; mango, pineapple and melon are full of sugar.
volcano: volcanoes or volcanos // вулкан
Plural: volcanoes (or volcanos)
Definition: a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapour, and gas are or have been erupted from the earth’s crust
Examples: It is one of the world’s most active volcanoes, and one of its most accessible.
stiletto // каблук
Plural: stilettos (or stilettoes)
Definition: a woman’s shoe with a thin, high tapering heel
Examples: The rapid click of stilettos on pavement
dingo // динго
Plural: dingoes
Definition: a wild or half-domesticated dog with a sandy-coloured coat, found in Australia
embargo // эмбарго
Plural: embargoes
Definition: an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country
Examples: an embargo on grain sales
| an arms embargo.
hero Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. // герой
Plural: heroes
Definition: a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities:
Examples: a war hero.
“To us,” Pet once said, “they were heroes, young gods.”
motto // мотив
Plural: mottoes
Definition: Music a phrase which recurs throughout a musical work and has some symbolical significance
Examples: They were developing the use of leitmotifs or mottoes that appear throughout an opera.
potato // картофель
Plural: potatoes
Definition: Potatoes are quite round vegetables with brown or red skins and white insides. They grow under the ground.
Examples: roast potatoes
veto // вето
Plural: vetoes
Definition: a constitutional right to reject a decision or proposal made by a lawmaking body
Examples: The Opposition effectively have a veto on constitutional reform.
torpedo // торпеда
Plural: torpedoes
Definition: a bomb that is shaped like a tube and that travels under water
Examples: The latter practice may have raised morale, but drastically shortened the torpedoes’ range.
domino // домино
Plural: dominoes
Definition: Dominoes are small rectangular blocks marked with two groups of spots on one side.
Examples: Everyone will fall over like a row of dominoes.
echo // эхо
Plural: echoes
Definition: a sound or sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface back to the listener
Examples: The walls threw back the echoes of his footsteps.
He listened and heard nothing but the echoes of his own voice in the cave.