Английская грамматика уровня Upper-Intermediate (B2)

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V + to-infinitive or -ing
She was daring him to disagree.
My boss let me leave early.
I detested spending two hours every day travelling to work and back.
He confessed to having a secret admiration for his opponent.
V + to-infinitive or -ing (with the difference in meaning)
Did you remember to mail the letters?
Katy remembered closing the windows in the living room before she left.
Ben stopped to look at the view unfolding in front of him.
I’ve stopped eating meat.
Conditional sentences 2 and 3
If I were you, I would ask a lawyer for some advice.
If Ben had accepted our offer, he would have been more successful now.
If Benjamin had taken that plane, he would have died.
Modal verbs: obligation and necessity
You must show your ID card.
We’ll have to get a new car.
You needn’t wash the dishes. They’re clean.
Modal verbs: advice
I think Benjamin should/ ought to exercise more.
You shouldn’t/ ought not have left home without me.
You must read this book – it’s so captivating that I read it from cover to cover in two days!
Modal verbs: habit
My mom used to take me to school.
Whenever he came, we would sit on the bank of the river and talk for hours.
Passive Voice (complex sentences)
We’re already being served, thanks.
He’s been hurt.
An important discovery had been made.
Stative and dynamic verbs
He’s hoping for an offer of compensation (= a deliberate action in progress).
I hope to see you soon (= I express a wish).
Mr Thomas is seeing (= meeting) a client at 2:30.
In the distance she could see the blue sea (= She perceived it with her eyes).
Articles (names and places)
The Baltic is a sea that is part of the Atlantic Ocean and is surrounded by Denmark, Sweden, the Baltic States, and Poland.
The English Channel, which French people also call ‘La Manche’ [læ ˈmɒnʃ], is the narrow piece of water between southern England and northern France.
Order of adjectives
a great big lovely old building
a small square brown envelope
Participle clauses
Speaking off the record, the mayor admitted the error.
A little provoked, she drew back, and after looking everywhere for the queen (whom she spied out at last, a long way off), she thought she would try the plan, this time, of walking in the opposite direction.
Having finished the book, I had a holiday.
The fruit was expensive, being imported.
Connecting sentences: conjunctions and set phrases
He presented two solutions. The latter seems much better.
He had to choose between giving up his job and giving up his principles. He chose the former.
Bilingual children do better in IQ tests than children who speak only one language. In addition/What is more, they seem to find it easier to learn third or even fourth languages.
Subject expressed with other than a noun
To keep these young people in prison is inhuman.
Whoever took them remains a mystery.
What worries us is the poor selection process.
An agreement between the subject and the predicate
The audience was clapping for 10 minutes.
Many leading members of the opposition party have criticised the delay.
Police believe Thomas is in Brazil, although his exact whereabouts is/ are unknown.
Reported speech
He said he was enjoying his work.
He agreed that it wasn’t a good idea.
They announced that the plane will/would be leaving in 35 minutes.
Reporting questions and orders
He asked if we would like some coffee.
She asked me why I hadn’t told her the truth.
She asked me to help her write her speech.
Noun clauses (=that-clauses)
The fact that you don’t love hime is obvious.
I’m concerned (that) he won’t believe me.
I don’t know if he’s coming tonight.
Relative clauses (defining and non-defining)
He’s a man whose opinion I respect.
The film was made in Botswana, whose wildlife parks are larger than those in Kenya.
Parsons Boulevard, which runs past my home, is being repaved.
It was a crisis for which he was totally unprepared.
Past Perfect
By 1960 most of Britain’s colonies had become independent.
It was twenty to six. Most of the shops had just closed.
As soon as I had told her the news, I regretted it.
Past perfect continuous
She said it had been raining there for days.
It was 1 o’clock and the dog from next door had been barking for 2 hours.
Future perfect
I’ll have finished this book by tomorrow.
We’ll have lived here for two years in January.
Future perfect continuous
She’ll have been working here for ten years soon.
They might be tired when you see them because they’ll have been working hard.
Punctuation marks
Когда ставить запятую Когда ставить тире Когда ставить двоеточие
Potter’s motive is clear: he wants the inheritance.
In the cool air of that April morning, we strolled along the boulevard.
“I won’t indeed!” said Alice, in a great hurry to change the subject of conversation. “Are you—are you fond—of—of dogs? There is such a nice little dog near our house, I should like to show you! It kills all the rats and—oh, dear!” cried Alice in a sorrowful tone.

V + to-infinitive or -ing

She was daring him to disagree.
My boss let me leave early.
I detested spending two hours every day travelling to work and back.
He confessed to having a secret admiration for his opponent.

V + to-infinitive or -ing (with the difference in meaning)

Did you remember to mail the letters?
Katy remembered closing the windows in the living room before she left.
Ben stopped to look at the view unfolding in front of him.
I’ve stopped eating meat.

Conditional sentences 2 and 3

If I were you, I would ask a lawyer for some advice.
If Ben had accepted our offer, he would have been more successful now.
If Benjamin had taken that plane, he would have died.

Modal verbs: obligation and necessity

You must show your ID card.
We’ll have to get a new car.
You needn’t wash the dishes. They’re clean.

Modal verbs: advice

I think Benjamin should/ ought to exercise more.
You shouldn’t/ ought not have left home without me.
You must read this book – it’s so captivating that I read it from cover to cover in two days!

Modal verbs: habit

My mom used to take me to school.
Whenever he came, we would sit on the bank of the river and talk for hours.

Passive Voice (complex sentences)

We’re already being served, thanks.
He’s been hurt.
An important discovery had been made.

Stative and dynamic verbs

He’s hoping for an offer of compensation (= a deliberate action in progress).
I hope to see you soon (= I express a wish).
Mr Thomas is seeing (= meeting) a client at 2:30.
In the distance she could see the blue sea (= She perceived it with her eyes).

Articles (names and places)

The Baltic is a sea that is part of the Atlantic Ocean and is surrounded by Denmark, Sweden, the Baltic States, and Poland.
The English Channel, which French people also call ‘La Manche’ [læ ˈmɒnʃ], is the narrow piece of water between southern England and northern France.

Order of adjectives

a great big lovely old building
a small square brown envelope

Participle clauses

Speaking off the record, the mayor admitted the error.
A little provoked, she drew back, and after looking everywhere for the queen (whom she spied out at last, a long way off), she thought she would try the plan, this time, of walking in the opposite direction.
Having finished the book, I had a holiday.
The fruit was expensive, being imported.

Connecting sentences: conjunctions and set phrases

He presented two solutions. The latter seems much better.
He had to choose between giving up his job and giving up his principles. He chose the former.
Bilingual children do better in IQ tests than children who speak only one language. In addition/What is more, they seem to find it easier to learn third or even fourth languages.

Subject expressed with other than a noun

To keep these young people in prison is inhuman.
Whoever took them remains a mystery.
What worries us is the poor selection process.

An agreement between the subject and the predicate

The audience was clapping for 10 minutes.
Many leading members of the opposition party have criticised the delay.
Police believe Thomas is in Brazil, although his exact whereabouts is/ are unknown.

Reported speech

He said he was enjoying his work.
He agreed that it wasn’t a good idea.
They announced that the plane will/would be leaving in 35 minutes.

Reporting questions and orders

He asked if we would like some coffee.
She asked me why I hadn’t told her the truth.
She asked me to help her write her speech.

Noun clauses (=that-clauses)

The fact that you don’t love hime is obvious.
I’m concerned (that) he won’t believe me.
I don’t know if he’s coming tonight.

Relative clauses (defining and non-defining)

He’s a man whose opinion I respect.
The film was made in Botswana, whose wildlife parks are larger than those in Kenya.
Parsons Boulevard, which runs past my home, is being repaved.
Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
It was a crisis for which he was totally unprepared.

Past Perfect

By 1960 most of Britain’s colonies had become independent.
It was twenty to six. Most of the shops had just closed.
As soon as I had told her the news, I regretted it.

Past perfect continuous

She said it had been raining there for days.
It was 1 o’clock and the dog from next door had been barking for 2 hours.

Future perfect

I’ll have finished this book by tomorrow.
We’ll have lived here for two years in January.

Future perfect continuous

She’ll have been working here for ten years soon.
They might be tired when you see them because they’ll have been working hard.

Punctuation marks

Potter’s motive is clear: he wants the inheritance.
In the cool air of that April morning, we strolled along the boulevard.
“I won’t indeed!” said Alice, in a great hurry to change the subject of conversation. “Are you—are you fond—of—of dogs? There is such a nice little dog near our house, I should like to show you! It kills all the rats and—oh, dear!” cried Alice in a sorrowful tone. “I’ve offended it again!”

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Test Upper-Intermediate

Неочевидные темы, чтобы избежать ошибок в грамматике

Поскольку грамматика неразрывно связана с фонетикой, не могу не упомянуть темы, которые необходимы вам для того, чтобы вы могли качественно усвоить грамматические правила и уверенно говорить на английском без ошибок. Подробнее о связи фонетики и грамматики я писала здесь (ВНИМАНИЕ! Шок-контент 😁 )

Здесь оставлю 10 неочевидных фонетическим тем, без которых ну никак не обойтись на уровне Upper-Intermediate (B2).

  1. Английский ритм
  2. Интонация вопросов и утвердительных предложений
  3. Восходящий, нисходящий, восходяще-нисходящий и нисходящевосходящий тоны
  4. Сегментирование речи и паузация
  5. Ударение внутри предложения
  6. Система ударение в английском внутри слова (можете не гуглить! Есть урок в 7 Day Accent Upgrade на эту тему, настолько частый это запрос!)
  7. Произнесение полнозначных, вспомогательных и модальных глаголов (они все произносятся по-разному и по-разному влияют на интонацию!)
  8. Произнесение артиклей, предлогов и союзов (это также нам понадобится для интонации!)
  9. Произнесение окончаний – s/ -es/ -ed/ -ing (если не знаете, как правильно произносить, речь будет неразборчивой, рыхлой)
  10. Различение фонем [e] и [æ] (например, в man и men), [ɪ] и [i:] (например, в this и these)

Часть выше упомянутых тем (с 6 по 10) есть в уроке 7 Day Accent Upgrade – материалы, которые необходимы для того, чтобы ваша речь была разборчивой. В идеальном мире их должны всё это должны были донести в школе и отработать там, но этого мира не существует ))) поэтому работаем с тем, что есть! Чтобы не тратить время занятий со своими клиентами, а
заниматься более серьезными вещами, я записала эти уроки.

Что же касается интонации и ритма, то отрабатывать в одиночку их невозможно. Такие темы сложны как для понимания, так и для освоения.

Качественное освоение возможно только с учетом особенностей произнесения английского слога (когнитивной силлабики). Подробнее о своем подходе я рассказываю здесь

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